Saturday, November 14, 2009

My Amazing new friend... RUMPOL!!

Lps and I were driving home from the city when out of my periphery I spotted an Exotic Shorthair on the side of the road. I applied the brakes hard (much to LP's fright) and we jumped out to have a look (my insistence). This was because I LOVE breeds of cat with smooshed up faces, and being a pure breed, you rarely see them outside- this was a unique opportunity afterall ;)

When we got closer I realised his eyes were all pussy and infected (in fact I was scared to touch him), he was filthy, had spurs in his fur, and matted & muddy feet. Lps thought he must be a stray, but given he was wearing a collar, we thought he must be just lost. I tried calling his owner, no response, so i picked him up and walked him home so I could take him to the vet.

He settled in with aplomb! Straight away he was sashaying around the house, being super cute. SO MUCH PERSONALITY! I totally fell in love with him. I called him RUMPOL. I tried cleaning up his eyes, but he got a bit shirty when I did it, so I left him be. I fed him a platter of ham, smoked trout + roast chicken, and he gobbled the lot down as though he hadn't eaten in a week!

Such a cute little baby.... he hung out with us all afternoon. I reported him at the pound, and tried calling his owner all afternoon. Finally I get through, and it's this dotty old lady around the corner! (we actually picked the kitty up from outside her own house! And He was actually a she)

The old lady says she gets calls all the time from people who pick her up..

She looks neglected. When she was rolling around on her back, even her tummy was all dirty and matted I tried explaining to her that I only picked her up because of the condition, and made a point of this, but she seemed oblivious to what i was saying and kept apologising for the bother of the cat being at our house.

She trotted back with us around the corner like a dog. Such an obedient little thing.

Checking out the Aloe Plant...
Being smooshy with the aloe plant..

Trotting along with us...

LPs and RUMPOL get aquainted, without hayfever- amazing.A little cuddle before you get home..
Bye bye...
Looking glam with the cat. Doing her little wave .. bye bye!

I hope she comes and visitsfor meatstuffs (but not looking so shabby next time, If I see her again and she looks in that condition I guess I need to think about doing something??)

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