Sunday, August 15, 2010

& the week in iphone...

Number 1 issue of the week... wedding dress!!
It's killing me... three dresses down, and counting! It's a daily discovery of new styles to lust after momentarily. Here is distraction number 5000... Thurley maxi, which had me interested for one day! (over it pretty quick, actually)

I have started doing Illustrator classes at Swinburne... 8 week course. Yay.
Here's a glimpse at week 3's work...

Not only are wedding dresses consuming me, so are wedding dress accessories.
Here is a cardigan I bought on the weekend from Alannah Hill to match Dress Option no. 1.
I love the sweet layered diamonte sleeves... but is it "too cute" !?
Mac Attack! I bought all new Eye makeup & highlighters from Mac.
Mac worries me a little bit... I seem to get peely skin around my eyes (gross I know!)

Presents from abroad- always exciting!
Have not opened the proper pressie yet (will wait until Wednesday) but here's a bonus pressie from my brother- faux Balenciagas he picked up at a market somewhere. haha! He chose them for their bigness- not the Balenciaga element! Think I may keep them as a driving option...

And, how's this for spoilt- the full range of Orla Kielys new perfume direct from the launch at Harrods. Thanks Andy! I am going to save it for the wedding & for our holiday to Mexico, and spray it like crazy so it develops it's own sense of place and ttime
(when i smell it retrospectively!)

erm... for some reason, and I have no idea why, my work computer refuses to select/ delete/ move this repeat photo... so I re-introduce... Thurley dress Im no longer into...

Loving the new range from Max and Co... in particular this print and dress style on the left.

1 comment:

Cotton Socks said...

Happy Birthday!
D turns 30 this week too!
Hope the wedding dress shopping gets better!
Can't believe you have bought so many dresses!
Can you return any of them?
The invites look so cute. I love them. Especially the cool envelopes that werent post happy.