Sunday, June 6, 2010

Wedding Update - Place Cards

Well into the productive DIY Swing that has consumed my weekend, I decided last night that I wanted to get my place settings done. I don't really have a theme (my Save the dates would suggest some sort of brown paper cutesy Vintage, my Invitations would suggest a green and white Stripe thing)

Anyways I've taken a risk and gone very crafty... I've started making individual faces + settings for all of our guests. The catch... it's mixed up fabric hearts- almost babyish in nature? I figure they will sit flat on the plates.... I think. I sat up until 4:30AM cutting, pasting, painting, sticking. I'm 50% of the way there, provided I don't change my mind. Classy and sterile, this wedding will be not!

Working it all out....

What I came up with..

Some of the individual places.

Bride & Groom. Yet to be decided upon how I do these...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are too cute!!! I've just spent sometime going through your blog, I love it lady!! All these little things your making for your wedding are beautiful, I like that you've got a personal touch and your stuff isn't boring seen it all before wedding stuff. Can't wait to see your future posts!

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