Well, it wasn't when I visited, but it still was a lot of fun!
Georgie and I caught the Bus to meet the other cats in town... I lived a dream (not really) of seeing New Jersey! Even thought I only drove through it on the highways, I still feel closer to the folks on Jersey shore, having had a lil taste.
Apparently the worst way to travel in America is by Greyhound bus... so what do you think we did- catch the Greyhound Bus!
I noticed this corner on the way into Philly, and it reminded me so much of a Brett Whitely that I had to post it.. I feel like I can not look anywhere without seeing a Whiteley or an Olsen! Even when Im not even in Australia...
When we arrived, my phone died- and I only had limited numbers in georgie's phone- and noone was answering! We (mainly I, because I was particularly tired) sat in a funk at the side of a Philadephia street near Chinatown, until Little Scott finally told me where I needed to go!
Before we jumped in a cab I grabbed a Turkey Rueben Sandwich from this amazing food market in the centre of town. It was HUGE, FATTY, CRAZY, AMAZING. Who knew turkey could be such exceptional junk food!?
Anyways, our cab driver was a complete baffoon- and when taking us to South Philly (apparently the badlands) he got totally lost! He even stopped and called some gangsters (we assume because they were wearing baggy clothes!) over to the car for directions! omfg. I was actually frightened! Anyways it turns out we were going here...
The venue was called Kung Fu Necktie- and it turns out if you go a lil more south on the above road, you reach the really bad bit! (as seen on Louis theroux, the episode in which he wears a bullet proof vest and travels only with the cops!) I have no idea if this is accurate or not.. we just love the idea of the danger of it all!
They do do things differently in the states when it comes to band venues... rather than dedicating a whole night to indie/ power pop.. they start the night with a Hardcore night - 3 X hardcore bands play- then all of their patronnage leaves, and an indie night starts!?
It's SO bizarre. Somehow it works.
I was so drunk, it appears I thought i was cashed up with the Americano dollars.. erm, not such a bifshot with a measley couple of dollar bills in retrospect!
Enjoying the local brews.. I have the most annoying habit of turning my head to the side .5 of a second before a photo is taken.. looking back through photos it's pretty clear how unversitile I can be!
I need to look up the historical importance of Philly, because there seemed to be a lot of historical recreations going on there... for example, walking around we randomly bumped into this guy...
Kung Fu Necktie ended up being extremely cool! There was a Gallery and general open space upstairs which we could use.. it was fun! We inhaled gas from a balloon inflater (something I've never done!) drank free beers and carried on like kids at Christmas! We met Herbie from an awesome band called Brownrecluse, who super kindly put on the show for us.
One of the awesome things about it, was the attached Gallery Space
Hugh even contemplated putting his fine art hat on with the purchase of this piece:
whilst we all took the cheap option and took photos instead! Not sure how I'd go with that one in our main living space..
This balloon installation was one of the coolest things I have ever seen...
Probably my favourite photo of the night... It makes me wish all five of us had jumped in here for a band shot!
Keeping with our favourite theme, props to the Cat lamp!
I wish all shows were this fun... I actually enjoyed playing the drums!?
(which of course left me baffled- who could imagine that!?)
(sorry LPs, no more putting myself down, I know i know!)
I screw my face up into this weird, conorted expression.. I challenge anyone to find a pic where I look hot playing the drums! :)
So South Philly was no where near as dodgy as we'd hoped (the danger!) so what did we do.. catch a 3AM Greyhound bus back into the city!
On our way back into town, the streets were all pretty empty...
Little s pissing ID off (yes he seriously did end up annoying her!)
this is my other fav pic of the night... when we finally did board, we were quite far back in the queue... meaning we had to share with strangers! Little s sat down to this crazy loud lady, who didn't stop talking... I was so amused, I took a photo... the bus was pitch black and when the flash went off she actually SCREAMED! haha. Poor lady would not like to know this photo is floating around on the interweb I am sure...
i didn't sleep the whole trip home.. and I'm pretty sure when we got back to Georgie's we still couldn't sleep! I felt wired and jetlagged.
All up, a fun night in Philly.
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